I do, however, love the Oscars for the fashion. The dresses, the jewelry, the hair. I'm not a crazy fashionista, and won't judge each dress based on how well it complements an actresses' skin tone, or body shape, or some other highly technical category. I simply like the elegance that so many of the women bring to Hollywood. Go, Ladies, Go!
In no particular order, here are some recent Oscar Beauties.
Kate Winslet, always classic. Always beautiful. One of my favorites.
Love this color! I applaud her for breaking out of the black box.
Jennifer Garner just rocks, and although conservative, here is a great example of when black works so well.
Reese! She always looks so fresh and well pulled together. Good Stylist? Or good personal style? Probably both :)
And how can you not love Anne Hathaway? Age appropriate and gorgeous.
I love that blue dress. Although I think the bag is a little too matchy matchy. Also, lurrrvvv Kate!