Here are this week's answers:
1. If I could medal in an Olympic event it would be swimming. I was a swimmer in high school and would have swam in college if I hadn't torn my rotator cuff during my senior year. I love watching the sport in the Olympics.
2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take a laptop with my wifi card and running shoes.
3. Getting stuck in an elevator with wayyy too many people in it is my most irrational fear. It there were only one or two people, I would probably be fine.
4. I'd rather be deaf, than blind. I'd miss sight more than sound.
5. I am thankful that winter is behind us. I would live in an world that only had summer and autumn and be a happy camper.
6. I should really be working right now, but its 4PM on a Friday and my brain is pretty much shot for the week.
7. One of my favorite things in all the world is the extra five minutes I get each morning after my alarm goes off. MrMarried (without fail) will says to me everyone morning, "Wanna snuggle?" It's some of the best five minutes all day.
Have a great weekend!
PS. Immediately after I posted this, I realized that it was an old Fill in the Blank Friday that Lauren had posted on February 19, 2010. I have no idea why I thought that it was this week's questions, but I like my answers, so I'm going to stick with 'em. Enjoy and sorry for the mix up.
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