Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm a Beige-aholic

I could use some advice in our... ahem... bedroom. DECORATING ADVICE, my friends.

I love beige. I know that sounds lame, but I do. I'm not afraid of color, but for whatever reason, I use color pretty sparingly. Currently, our master bedroom (which I really do like) is decorated with:
  • Beige- Surprised? Carpet, 3 walls, most of the bedding including the bedskirt. 
  • Chocolate Brown- Headboard wall is painted this color, all the framed pictures in the room are in dark wooden frames
  • Soft Blues- bedding, curtains, candles, some glass art on my dresser, etc.
Hard to picture? Don't worry, I have photo help.
This is our bedding (but not our bed or wall colors).

Instead of ALL of that beige, I have a little color in two euro shams that are pictured in the back of this photo. They are the same pattern as the duvet.

And one of these fun pillows in front of all the beige.... So we have blue in the back, lots of beige, and some blue in the front...sounds like a mullet... party in the back... business in the front. Anyone? Anyone? Ha... I digress. 

I also have blue and chocolate brown patterned curtains which nicely complement the blue in the shams, (and I like them, too. So no need to change these.)

Here is where I need your help.

We have already established:
  • I have 3 beige walls
  • I have beige carpet
  • I have a beige bedskirt
I'm starting to think that I need to go to beige-aholics anonymous! 

Where can I add more color?

The carpet is brand new, and we can't afford to rip up and replace new carpeting, and I don't really want to paint again... so I'm thinking about a blue bedskirt. But, it looks awful in this photo, and I can't picture it in our room.

A complementing rug? But... ahhh! More beige.

Before I spend a dime on de-beige-itizing the master bedroom, I thought I would ask for some help.

Any suggestions?

I will try to get a picture of the real room on the blog this weekend. I'm at work-- and should be working-- but this has been on my mind, and it's a Friday-- so I thought I would write!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I too love a good neutral! How about some greens? Sage, or grass greens to add some color.

  2. I think a rug like the one you pictured could really anchor the room. It looks like the beige in the rug is darker than your bedding, and likely darker than your carpet, so it could still provide a nice contrast.

    I think blue ceramic lamps with white shades on your nightstands could really pop!

    I'd need to see a picture to think of more ideas, I think, but off the top of my head I think florals and curtains. And for some reason I think you could play around with navy blue somewhere, too!

  3. What about some photographs or artwork that pick up the browns and blues? You can sometimes find inexpensive art at places like World Market and Home Goods, but you can always just take a pretty photo and blow it up via something like Shutterfly.

    Do you have any space for a chair? You could buy a blue one or a brown one (or maybe a buttery yellow?) to help add a pop of color.

  4. I'm big into neutrals too -- but I'm learning. I painted our walls green and that was scary but I love it. I'm learning that a lot more colors go together than one would think. Also learning to not shy away from pink or other "girly" colors - they are part of the rainbow too!

  5. Thank you so much for your feedback, ladies. I was blown away with your expert decorating advice! I'm feeling really inspired!

    I have some new lamps on the way for a splash of color next to the bed and I'm throwing around a new other ideas.

    More to come :)
