I think the title of this post is pretty self explanatory, however I believe any good blog post is supported with pictures- so, without further adieu, I give you the snow that arrived in all its glory on Friday, February 5th.
It all started with this little baby that decided to WALLOP us with snow last night.
It really was beautiful....
We had A LOT of shoveling to do.
There weren't too many places to put the snow since there was SO much of it, so it just kept getting piled higher and higher.This is part of our FRONT yard!
MrMarried seriously loves snow... and loves it to an unhealthy degree. As for me, I would happily book a one way ticket to the equator and park my butt on a lounge chair by the pool. However, my lovely husband would move to Antarctica if I would let him.
This is MrMarried practically frolicking in the crap getting ready to measure the snow.
And the final count. Drum roll please... just a hair under 18 inches. Our neighbors had 19-20 in some of their yards. I guess we got lucky with only getting 18. Whew.
I hope that if you have been buried in this snow like we have, you have been able to enjoy it.
Oh my gosh! That's alot of snow. Cracks me up how your husband loves it. Men, they're crazy. Well enjoy your snowed in weekend, though I know you're looking forward to July!